
Upcoming BUG-MI Events

The following is a list of upcoming BUG-MI events. 

Previous BUG-MI Events

BUG-MI 2023 Conference (In-person) - Mendel Center - Lake Michigan College in Benton Harbor -October 26th - 27th, 2023

Coursedog- BUGMI Slides .pdf
BUGMI 2023.pptx
Translating Administrative Banner Tips, Tricks, and Tools BUGMI 2023.pdf
Banner Keyboard Shortcuts.docx.pdf
BUGMI - BOF-2023.pptx
BugMI - Ferrilli - Making Banner Work for You.pdf
BugMI - Ferrilli - FA Changes 2425.pdf

The following are previous recordings of BUG-MI virtual sessions.


Working with Ellucian to build State Aid programs hosted by Linda Berlin (Northwestern Michigan College) 

Below is the chat from the Working with Ellucian to build State Aid programs virtual session.

Working with Ellucian
Working with Ellucian to build State Aid programs.pdf

Banner Security hosted by Joshua Morast (Eastern Michigan University) 


Document Imaging hosted by Marsha Griggs (Lake Michigan College) and Linda Kucinski (Lawrence Technological University

Below is the chat from the Document Imaging virtual session.

Document Imaging virtual session chat